Aspiration for wealth is Differentiates human from animal
Aspiration for wealth Differentiates human from animal
Aspiration for sustainability differentiates an agrarian folk from a pirate or nomad
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
What was the significance of Wootz steel in the world economy?
What was the significance of Wootz steel in the world economy?
First we have to dive in the history, and ask the question; why one material has any significance in world economy?
When we talk about world or global economy, we have to analyse which era we are considering for our discussion.
Here the second word of the question (Was) set us to talk and think in past era.
To go in the past era we again find seventh word of the question (steel) which guides us exactly in the direction of Iron Age only. (Because steel is just a compound of iron)
When we dip in the Iron Age we found three type of dominating economies in the world.
We will put them in chronological order of human evolution.
First was nomadic economy
Second was pirate economy and
Third was agrarian economy.
We also analyse each economy considering their primary motivations.
As per Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow proposed in 1943, as a pyramid with physiological needs at the bottom and self-actualization at the top. Maslow suggested that humans work through the pyramid from the bottom to the top – as one need is satisfied, the next need is raised.
Now we dig a bit in nomadic economy.
Here consistent migration is the significant fact of economy. If we settle for a hunt in a single place we’re pray population will decrease proportionately to our consumption.
If we depend upon herbivores animals (goats, sheep, cattle, horses, camels etc.) the posture will deteriorate proportionate to the population of grazing animals. (If number is small, economic growth will stagnate)
If we trade with same people our competitive advantage will deteriorate the moment our peer explore the same source (either of buy or sale)
Because of that, consistent exploration is the norm of economic growth.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s first two
1. Physiological – food, water, and shelter. Strong needs which force humans to think of little else when they are in discomfort.
2. Safety – personal or job security. These needs appear once physiological needs are satisfied.
Now we dig a bit in pirate economy
If we keep continuance with particular place our pray will find ways to circumvent us.
If we consistently loot single territory; just like our trade example our subsequent mission will be marred by our peers.
So here also consistent forward move will let us in the premises of economic growth.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s third and fourth
3. Social – the need to belong to a club or a family gives meaning, love and affection, and staves off loneliness and depression.
4. Esteem – humans need to respect themselves and have others respect them. They do this through their achievements and position in communities
Now we dig a bit in agrarian economy
In agrarian system understanding our micro climate is the only way to sustain and grow economically.
Earth surface is so vast and average life of human is so short that one generation could not claim to know all the variables of nature.
Responding a single variant wrongly deteriorate almost entirely our agricultural harvest or sustenance of economy.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s apex
Self-actualization – humans want to do what they were born to do, realise their potential, and feel fulfilled.
By understanding these contemporary motives behind economic variants of Iron Age; now we move towards fundamental question of what is significance
In the Iron Age we evolved to centralized administrations and political structures, hierarchical ideologies, depersonalized systems of knowledge (e.g., writing), and property ownership. Personal, land and private property ownership led to hierarchical society, class struggle and armies.
History is written by societies on the periphery of the migrating peoples, or by their descendants who have given up the nomadic way of life.
Iron Age has low chronological value, because it did not begin simultaneously across the entire world. The dates and context vary depending on the region, and the sequence of ages is not necessarily true for every part of the earth's surface.
When we migrate consistently in lieu of more safety, security, fodder, loot, or whatever pursuit the Sustainability of wealth consistently deteriorates. (Causes: theft/ loot lack of goodwill/ recognition/ skill etc.)
In the process of continuous migration we definitely accumulate much wealth.
In the scenario of migration all the wealth is moving along with us.
The moment someone cut our throat the wealth belongs to the person who cut our throat. (In that era password, signature and sale agreement registration was not the method of property transaction)
Dagger of Bronze Age is just weapon of deceive-fight to change the ownership of wealth. But they could not protect us against openly attacking opponent.
Here the dilemma is; by our entire life’s labour; sweat and blood we created whatever wealth is just have less value than a tool which could protect us from open attacker at arm length; in front of us.
In one to one combat, chances of win will disappear at the moment either our sword broke or edge bent. (Ordinary iron has specific quality of brittleness if hardened much or mildness if softened much in its making process)
To assure ourselves fearless owner of our wealth, we have to search a material which has properties of supreme hardness, extreme flexibility and strength to cope with all type of uncertainties triggering in life threatening situations.
It should also status symbol, demonstrating the our power and self-esteem, whilst raising us in the esteem of others. It should also give us a community too, along with a sense of belonging and social satisfaction.
We definitely value our all the wealth significantly less than this type of tool. (we may be heard about Just like an apple product, nano-material, nano-fibre carbon nanotubes etc.)
To make such reliable tool (Sword) we need a material of durability and ability to hold an edge with above mentioned qualities.
First we have to dive in the history, and ask the question; why one material has any significance in world economy?
When we talk about world or global economy, we have to analyse which era we are considering for our discussion.
Here the second word of the question (Was) set us to talk and think in past era.
To go in the past era we again find seventh word of the question (steel) which guides us exactly in the direction of Iron Age only. (Because steel is just a compound of iron)
When we dip in the Iron Age we found three type of dominating economies in the world.
We will put them in chronological order of human evolution.
First was nomadic economy
Second was pirate economy and
Third was agrarian economy.
We also analyse each economy considering their primary motivations.
As per Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow proposed in 1943, as a pyramid with physiological needs at the bottom and self-actualization at the top. Maslow suggested that humans work through the pyramid from the bottom to the top – as one need is satisfied, the next need is raised.
Now we dig a bit in nomadic economy.
Here consistent migration is the significant fact of economy. If we settle for a hunt in a single place we’re pray population will decrease proportionately to our consumption.
If we depend upon herbivores animals (goats, sheep, cattle, horses, camels etc.) the posture will deteriorate proportionate to the population of grazing animals. (If number is small, economic growth will stagnate)
If we trade with same people our competitive advantage will deteriorate the moment our peer explore the same source (either of buy or sale)
Because of that, consistent exploration is the norm of economic growth.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s first two
1. Physiological – food, water, and shelter. Strong needs which force humans to think of little else when they are in discomfort.
2. Safety – personal or job security. These needs appear once physiological needs are satisfied.
Now we dig a bit in pirate economy
If we keep continuance with particular place our pray will find ways to circumvent us.
If we consistently loot single territory; just like our trade example our subsequent mission will be marred by our peers.
So here also consistent forward move will let us in the premises of economic growth.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s third and fourth
3. Social – the need to belong to a club or a family gives meaning, love and affection, and staves off loneliness and depression.
4. Esteem – humans need to respect themselves and have others respect them. They do this through their achievements and position in communities
Now we dig a bit in agrarian economy
In agrarian system understanding our micro climate is the only way to sustain and grow economically.
Earth surface is so vast and average life of human is so short that one generation could not claim to know all the variables of nature.
Responding a single variant wrongly deteriorate almost entirely our agricultural harvest or sustenance of economy.
Here Abraham Maslow’s pyramid’s apex
Self-actualization – humans want to do what they were born to do, realise their potential, and feel fulfilled.
By understanding these contemporary motives behind economic variants of Iron Age; now we move towards fundamental question of what is significance
In the Iron Age we evolved to centralized administrations and political structures, hierarchical ideologies, depersonalized systems of knowledge (e.g., writing), and property ownership. Personal, land and private property ownership led to hierarchical society, class struggle and armies.
History is written by societies on the periphery of the migrating peoples, or by their descendants who have given up the nomadic way of life.
Iron Age has low chronological value, because it did not begin simultaneously across the entire world. The dates and context vary depending on the region, and the sequence of ages is not necessarily true for every part of the earth's surface.
When we migrate consistently in lieu of more safety, security, fodder, loot, or whatever pursuit the Sustainability of wealth consistently deteriorates. (Causes: theft/ loot lack of goodwill/ recognition/ skill etc.)
In the process of continuous migration we definitely accumulate much wealth.
In the scenario of migration all the wealth is moving along with us.
The moment someone cut our throat the wealth belongs to the person who cut our throat. (In that era password, signature and sale agreement registration was not the method of property transaction)
Dagger of Bronze Age is just weapon of deceive-fight to change the ownership of wealth. But they could not protect us against openly attacking opponent.
Here the dilemma is; by our entire life’s labour; sweat and blood we created whatever wealth is just have less value than a tool which could protect us from open attacker at arm length; in front of us.
In one to one combat, chances of win will disappear at the moment either our sword broke or edge bent. (Ordinary iron has specific quality of brittleness if hardened much or mildness if softened much in its making process)
To assure ourselves fearless owner of our wealth, we have to search a material which has properties of supreme hardness, extreme flexibility and strength to cope with all type of uncertainties triggering in life threatening situations.
It should also status symbol, demonstrating the our power and self-esteem, whilst raising us in the esteem of others. It should also give us a community too, along with a sense of belonging and social satisfaction.
We definitely value our all the wealth significantly less than this type of tool. (we may be heard about Just like an apple product, nano-material, nano-fibre carbon nanotubes etc.)
To make such reliable tool (Sword) we need a material of durability and ability to hold an edge with above mentioned qualities.
Take just one example to understand the significance.
One guy most easily we could recognize is the founder of Alexandria (which hosting one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World with 4,546,231 Population in February, 2013) named Alexander the Great.
One guy most easily we could recognize is the founder of Alexandria (which hosting one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World with 4,546,231 Population in February, 2013) named Alexander the Great.
Reference from Wikipedia
When asked by King Porus to select a gift, Alexander is said to have chosen, over gold or silver, thirty pounds of steel
And that material was Wootz steelWhen asked by King Porus to select a gift, Alexander is said to have chosen, over gold or silver, thirty pounds of steel
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Why was India got nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya?
First we go to what any nickname denotes?
A nickname of any place evolves by going into memory system by real experiences of audience.(Sabji Mandi/Kasaikhana etc.)
Until and unless your memory has any sensual relation, it could not take hold for a persistent long period there.
(we shake hand with strangers ask their formal name and just forget in couple of years, but when we even seen in person some exceedingly tall/ small/ fat person we remember the incidence even decade after that actual event.)
So for a nickname recognisable globally it has to be either see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able enough to make a clear place in memory.
Why it is emphasised here?
The era we are talking about was not the era of Google translate or Wikipedia or face book advertisement where you can bombard any brand in the memory of audience.
So without applying the analogy mentioned above of five senses your memory could not retain anything hypothetically for long period of time.
So it is proven beyond doubt that the nickname denoting anything must be sense-able by at least one of the five senses.
Now come to the word Sone which is known as gold in English should be see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able by an individual, to make permanent space in the memory.
Without feeling it by yourself you could not believe upon existence of it (suppose someone say there is an article of relative density 40 and value of all gold of your nation, could you remember this obscured zydfghr element for a long time?)(Even had you remember elements of the Mendeleev's periodic table?)
So we have to analyse how an unknown traveller/visitor in (a so called poor illiterate) country have felt the gold?
In this country gold was used at three occasions as source of insurance, recognition, gift and prosperity.
First it was shown in marriages in the form of gifts and recognition (ornaments wore by participants)
second it will be counter checked as an insurance at the arrival of harvest (Dipawali) and
Third it was donated to the temples in lieu of personal oath for keeping continuous prosperity for family.(temple is the bigger family)
Temples were for the big deals of life like oath taking and community place for guests.
The common men to make his her guest amused and show family’s prosperity decorate parts of temple with gold.
Collectively decorated by common men for centuries the temple covered by gold awed to these nomad or pirate. (In their culture either animals or slaves are the symbols of wealth.)
In their respective regions life style was to continuously move just like crow.
Had you ever tried to feed some crow?
If so you may have observed as soon as he find the food he will pick in his beak and fly immediately to some distance; sit there and eat the remaining part of food.
Because lot of food outside of his beak lost in this flying.
What we understand with this example is till we migrate consistently in lieu of more safety, security, fodder, loot, or whatever pursuit the Sustainability of wealth consistently deteriorates.(causes: lack of goodwill/ recognition/ skill/ theft/ loot etc.)
In the process of continuous migration you definitely accumulate much gold.(wealth)
In the scenario of migration all the wealth is moving with you.
The moment someone cut your throat the wealth belongs to the person who cut your throat.
In one to one combat, chances of win will disappear at the moment either your sword broke or edge bent. (Ordinary iron has specific quality of brittleness if hardened much or mildness if softened much in its making process)
So here the value of your gold and all the wealth is significantly less than a pair of good swords made by good iron.
Here in northern Gangetic planes community is self sufficient in all their requirements (at barter levels). Regular agriculture made surplus food production sufficient to transport toward southern part of nation by Banjara community.
While in south part of country abundance of forest; given birth of evolution of iron.
The process to make the iron is as simple as make small clay pots, fill them neighbouring different type of rocks, soils(ore) cut specific leaves cover-up that Kullhad (small clay pot of capacity just more than your half litre milk pouch) and fire it in woods brought form neighbour forest.
So in entire country every raw material got from nature freely.
The skill set (how to, when to and why to) part just flowed fluidly via one generation to next generation.
And here is the crux.
Outside world (nomads/pirates) is in continuous process of finding better ground/postures migrating incessantly.
But the their dilemma is their entire life’s labour, sweat and blood created whatever wealth is just have less value than a fine pair of swords.
And the fact is that nowhere in the world such iron produced; except south of Godavari river in India.
because of that from Damishque; traders will flock to buy the pieces of iron just sufficient to make a pair of swords (retail able size of our iron)
In India natives selling their ROCK and SOIL (ore fired in forest wood = Wootz steel)) in the barter of gold.
Now we understood how that gold arrived here.
Now we move to the third part of the question Chidiya
Our question here is what is Chidiya?
According to analogy described in nickname part of this article the Chidiya must be either of see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able to trigger the signal for significant space in memory of the visitor who may not understand your language.
Now come to the point at who coined this nick name?
The person came from outside were either nomad or pirate.
In their culture to feed their stomach they need flesh.
Here being in the unknown territory they can’t hunt big beast in the fear of caught by localites in lieu of destroying their wealth.
Nomad or pirate are the most opportunistic person, they will observe the circumstances very carefully to attack upon the opportunity of hunt/graze or loot.
Because their survival depends upon their brisk action, not any type of lethargy or lacklustre behaviour could feed them.
In modern day language you may identify them by the nickname of street-smart guys.
Now what that outsider will do to feed his stomach?
He has either to fight (what may or may not cost his life), beg, trade or hunt.
For most of them the easiest way to feed was hunt a thing which would be in abundance and nobody claim ownership of it.
Sparrows were always in abundance in the agrarian region; is the source to feed them until indefinitely without any ruckus with localite.
Nobody will fight for anything which is in abundance and uncontrollable by your means (you can’t fight for water to anybody in rain until it personally heart you in anyway)
And to hunt it doesn’t require any arm which may cause you for suspicion.
A simple stone through will bring you your food. (Stone age tactics)
The folks who once arrived here and seen temples and ladies decorated with gold and eaten the sparrow to satiated their hunger knows very well the abundance of Chidiya and gold in this part of the world.
In 1 AD or just 1915 years before today this small (land wise just 1.92% of earth) nation’s share of world income was 52.9%.
Because of this less than 2% earth mass and more than half of world's wealth India got nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya
A nickname of any place evolves by going into memory system by real experiences of audience.(Sabji Mandi/Kasaikhana etc.)
Until and unless your memory has any sensual relation, it could not take hold for a persistent long period there.
(we shake hand with strangers ask their formal name and just forget in couple of years, but when we even seen in person some exceedingly tall/ small/ fat person we remember the incidence even decade after that actual event.)
So for a nickname recognisable globally it has to be either see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able enough to make a clear place in memory.
Why it is emphasised here?
The era we are talking about was not the era of Google translate or Wikipedia or face book advertisement where you can bombard any brand in the memory of audience.
So without applying the analogy mentioned above of five senses your memory could not retain anything hypothetically for long period of time.
So it is proven beyond doubt that the nickname denoting anything must be sense-able by at least one of the five senses.
Now come to the word Sone which is known as gold in English should be see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able by an individual, to make permanent space in the memory.
Without feeling it by yourself you could not believe upon existence of it (suppose someone say there is an article of relative density 40 and value of all gold of your nation, could you remember this obscured zydfghr element for a long time?)(Even had you remember elements of the Mendeleev's periodic table?)
So we have to analyse how an unknown traveller/visitor in (a so called poor illiterate) country have felt the gold?
In this country gold was used at three occasions as source of insurance, recognition, gift and prosperity.
First it was shown in marriages in the form of gifts and recognition (ornaments wore by participants)
second it will be counter checked as an insurance at the arrival of harvest (Dipawali) and
Third it was donated to the temples in lieu of personal oath for keeping continuous prosperity for family.(temple is the bigger family)
Temples were for the big deals of life like oath taking and community place for guests.
The common men to make his her guest amused and show family’s prosperity decorate parts of temple with gold.
Collectively decorated by common men for centuries the temple covered by gold awed to these nomad or pirate. (In their culture either animals or slaves are the symbols of wealth.)
In their respective regions life style was to continuously move just like crow.
Had you ever tried to feed some crow?
If so you may have observed as soon as he find the food he will pick in his beak and fly immediately to some distance; sit there and eat the remaining part of food.
Because lot of food outside of his beak lost in this flying.
What we understand with this example is till we migrate consistently in lieu of more safety, security, fodder, loot, or whatever pursuit the Sustainability of wealth consistently deteriorates.(causes: lack of goodwill/ recognition/ skill/ theft/ loot etc.)
In the process of continuous migration you definitely accumulate much gold.(wealth)
In the scenario of migration all the wealth is moving with you.
The moment someone cut your throat the wealth belongs to the person who cut your throat.
In one to one combat, chances of win will disappear at the moment either your sword broke or edge bent. (Ordinary iron has specific quality of brittleness if hardened much or mildness if softened much in its making process)
So here the value of your gold and all the wealth is significantly less than a pair of good swords made by good iron.
Here in northern Gangetic planes community is self sufficient in all their requirements (at barter levels). Regular agriculture made surplus food production sufficient to transport toward southern part of nation by Banjara community.
While in south part of country abundance of forest; given birth of evolution of iron.
The process to make the iron is as simple as make small clay pots, fill them neighbouring different type of rocks, soils(ore) cut specific leaves cover-up that Kullhad (small clay pot of capacity just more than your half litre milk pouch) and fire it in woods brought form neighbour forest.
So in entire country every raw material got from nature freely.
The skill set (how to, when to and why to) part just flowed fluidly via one generation to next generation.
And here is the crux.
Outside world (nomads/pirates) is in continuous process of finding better ground/postures migrating incessantly.
But the their dilemma is their entire life’s labour, sweat and blood created whatever wealth is just have less value than a fine pair of swords.
And the fact is that nowhere in the world such iron produced; except south of Godavari river in India.
because of that from Damishque; traders will flock to buy the pieces of iron just sufficient to make a pair of swords (retail able size of our iron)
In India natives selling their ROCK and SOIL (ore fired in forest wood = Wootz steel)) in the barter of gold.
Now we understood how that gold arrived here.
Now we move to the third part of the question Chidiya
Our question here is what is Chidiya?
According to analogy described in nickname part of this article the Chidiya must be either of see able, touchable, hear able, Sniff able or taste able to trigger the signal for significant space in memory of the visitor who may not understand your language.
Now come to the point at who coined this nick name?
The person came from outside were either nomad or pirate.
In their culture to feed their stomach they need flesh.
Here being in the unknown territory they can’t hunt big beast in the fear of caught by localites in lieu of destroying their wealth.
Nomad or pirate are the most opportunistic person, they will observe the circumstances very carefully to attack upon the opportunity of hunt/graze or loot.
Because their survival depends upon their brisk action, not any type of lethargy or lacklustre behaviour could feed them.
In modern day language you may identify them by the nickname of street-smart guys.
Now what that outsider will do to feed his stomach?
He has either to fight (what may or may not cost his life), beg, trade or hunt.
For most of them the easiest way to feed was hunt a thing which would be in abundance and nobody claim ownership of it.
Sparrows were always in abundance in the agrarian region; is the source to feed them until indefinitely without any ruckus with localite.
Nobody will fight for anything which is in abundance and uncontrollable by your means (you can’t fight for water to anybody in rain until it personally heart you in anyway)
And to hunt it doesn’t require any arm which may cause you for suspicion.
A simple stone through will bring you your food. (Stone age tactics)
The folks who once arrived here and seen temples and ladies decorated with gold and eaten the sparrow to satiated their hunger knows very well the abundance of Chidiya and gold in this part of the world.
In 1 AD or just 1915 years before today this small (land wise just 1.92% of earth) nation’s share of world income was 52.9%.
Because of this less than 2% earth mass and more than half of world's wealth India got nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
What college/university/ course I join for my better future?
What college/university/ course I
join for my better future?
First we have to dive in the history, and ask the question; why any course college/university was created?
But before going deep if we can see these four videos
Result of Synthetic (contemporary) Education
Result of Real Education
Result of natural learning
Good now we explore the history
There was an era, when one country was known by its nick name सोने की चिड़िया.
Best and smartest scholar, entrepreneur, traveller, fighter, along with 60% of global wealth was finding its way towards this nation.
And mind you, there was no course/ college/university was available just 158 years back from today in that country.
No university including Takshshila and Nalanda was able to sustain their own life.
Again mind you the nations having universities that time are just the poorest in the world fighting with crime, famine and hunger ravaging forests and sea like vultures, hunters, pirates and gatherers; With not a single institute based on truth.
The sheer curiosity, about the engine and culture of bribe and loot, bought folks towards them.
And mind you again, this was the era when सोने की चिड़िया migrated from that country.
Just 275 years back cunniest people and mercenaries of the world, arrived who brought here nothing more than a corrupt brain of opportunism.
Here to implement venture of any type requires person.
To lure some, from very satisfied and self sustained population they invented a paper called degree.
Today India has 15, 60, 90, 664 youngsters of 14 to 19 years age group.
In any given year, 15, 60, 90, 664/6 (19-14 year age) = 2, 60, 15, 110 youngsters; taking decision for their career just like you.
All these youngsters and their parents lured by the power and might of workers of organised sector start seeing dream of becoming like them.
Now see the bare facts
The total workers in central government, state government, and local government are 1.73 cror
TCS to nursing home next door, which employs 10 persons including sweeper, ward boy, nurses; and your favourite restaurant, which employs waiter, cook to watchman, in total 10 or more; are come under definition of corporate sector.
Workers in this sector are 1.02 cror
The combination of government, semi government and corporate sector called organised sector. (1.73 cror + 1.02 cror = 2.75 cror)
Unorganised sector includes agriculture, entrepreneurship, to any organisation or business, employing less than ten workers.
Now considering legal age of working in organised sector is 18 to 60; we have (60-18) = 42 years working life, of these workers.
In other word 2, 75, 00, 000 /42 year = 6, 54, 762 would be average intake in any year into the organised sector.
Average legal earning, in this sector, is roughly 7 to 9 time higher than the average income of worker in unorganised sector.
The chances of getting job, in the organised sector, per year is 2, 60, 15, 110 /6, 54, 762 or 40:1
Consider average age of, being eligible to join organised sector, is 26 years
We have 26 - 18~9 batches to be appeared, for a single opportunity.
What does it mean to you, is for every organised sector job, there are 9X40=360 competent, always there?
Because of that, for these jobs, a rat race of various, fancy name of course, degree, diploma are, implanted, in your brain, by a SYSTEM.
By This same SYSTEM, the status of country, converted from, Sone Ki Chidiya to; beggar of World Bank, IMF and UNICEF; for even giving, first aid to you.
All subjects are, like a ponzi scheme; where despite getting admission, for same level of competence, no guarantee of, the entire pass outs, will secure any dignified earnings.
Despite expending, same years, as your peers, with studying, same curricula, same text books, from same faculties, in that same degree course. (You know the chance is 360:1)
To see the trailer of all these158 year's hidden SYSTEM watch
Now the rest of these 359 are start-up in there on accord; inclusive of your unemployed senior. (Start up to search "a job/ contract/ finance/ venture capital/ truth/ political power" etc)
Out of these 359, some dream; to create wealth, for themselves and their families.
At present only 1, 75, 000 persons (in entire India) are involved in, employing 10 or more persons, for their ventures. Rest employing less than 9 persons in their venture; belongs to unorganised sector.
Entrepreneur working in their own ventures needs that you to assist them to satisfy their personal objectives. Very few Entrepreneurs, in this sector dream, to create job and luxuries like organised sector.
Out of entire population of 125 cror only 31.66 lac persons earn Rs. 5 lac or more.
Mind you that less than 12% of organised sector earn even Rs. five lac per year.
Because of this in place of searching college/university/ course, it is more appropriate to search “by which way one can earn five + lac per year.”
For this you may find this helpful
Sunday, July 5, 2015
IAS ASPIRANTS...: What is the Total Starting Salary of an IAS ?
IAS ASPIRANTS...: What is the Total Starting Salary of an IAS ?: You want to know how much total money they get after joining the service. It is difficult to understand all this jargons: Pay Band , G...
Thursday, July 2, 2015
How can one, earn Rs 10 lakhs per year?
How can one, earn Rs 10 lakhs per year?
How many people earn > Rs 10 lac in India
Only 1378000 persons out of 1,02,87,37,436; of upwards your age(15 years) earn Rs 10 lac or more in India.
This means, If you follow what other 1,02,87,37,436/ 1378000 <746, Indians doing, around you; your chances of earning > Rs 10 lac in India is virtually impossible.
So if you are, serious about it; here is the plan to earn > Rs 10 lac in India.
First of all, you must have determination of this type.
After your firm determination, you should prepare yourself in this way
After understanding core of these two videos you may
Prepare yourself to learn
Fly, 2000 short flights, per year, and charge just Rs 500 per flight (or per hour 2000/313<7 hour) so 2000X500 = Rs 10,00,000
Web development and maintain just 200 sites, per year @ Rs.5000 each so 200X5000 = Rs 10,00,000
Sale Just 100 merchandise worth more than Rs ten lac each @commission of, only one percent. So10,00,000 X 0.01 X 100 = Rs 10,00,000
Hard work
Total working hours in a year=313 day x 8 hour ~ 2500 hours
Target amount: Rs. one million
Our turn around per hour should be Rs.10,00,000/2504 hours ~ 400 per hour
We have to use this time (8 hour daily for 313 day per year) to produce 400 saleable units per hour by us to meet our target of one million in one year
Now to make anything we need some raw material and capital to convert them into saleable unit and then sale to someone who will pay us for the product.
Here comes market constraints; someone else may get cheap capital or subsidy or tax Rebates or inferior raw material at cheaper rate.
In above cases your product may not be cost competitive to meet your target
There major raw material is free
You can fill 400 cavities in 4 minutes (Simple dumping and shaking operation)
You can dibble these by seed or cuttings in 800 seconds (800/60=13.33 minutes)
You will take another 8 minutes to place them at specified site with necessary shifting.
You may take another 8 minutes to inspect and care them.
So you have to invest your 4+14+8+8 = 34 X 8 hour per day = 4.5 hours daily to meet your target production.
Add another one hour each for
1. Management,
2. Quality assurance,
3. Sales and delivery so you will have another half an hour for your daily planning
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
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